Portfolio matrimoni in Toscana

Wedding in an historical florentine villa

Villa Corsini in Mezzomonte is one of the most evocative historic villas in the Florentine hills, just a few minutes from the city center. Alexa and Zach, after their first visit, fell in love with the beauty of this place; the large gallery and the Southern garden deeply struck their imagination. The wedding, celebrated in October, took place inside the rooms, giving guests a warm and sophisticated welcome.


Villa Corsini Mezzomonte : https://villacorsini.com/

I Fiori di Nadia:  https://www.ifioridinadia.com/en/home/

Il Sorriso ricevimenti: https://www.ilsorrisoricevimenti.it/

Studio 167: https://www.167studio.com/

Veronica Vitale: https://www.makeupsposafirenze.it/it/

Anastasia Petrini: www.parrucchierapetrinicarla.it

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